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Other related Mystical Links!

The Ministers Network ( "the Monastery " ) of Universal Life Church.
- A great site for those who have chosen to conduct a ministry.

Boise Temple of The Ancient Dragons - Yahoo Group
- A YahooGroup I started to be of service to my local area. We have a few Dragons and Dragon Allies in my area, so, why not?

Circle Sanctuary
- Free email newsletter.

Liked my hit counter?
- Here's where you can get your own!

Promote your website?
- You can give WebRing a try. Join a community or start your own.

The Kabbalah Center
- Here is a great place to study about the Kabbalah. Not that I agree with everything they teach, but a great place to start your spiritual learning.

Nagah Illumination
- Occult mysticism that is along the same understanding of the Kabbalah.

The Internet Book of Shadows
- A good archive with lots of "Reading Material"! You may even find some texts of out-of-print books here!
- Some great docs to be found here! User Accounts are free!

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This page and all contents are for personal use under the “fair use” policy. Please don't just take without asking!

I worked very hard on collecting and composing the contents of these pages, for free! I ask for NO money for their PERSONAL use.