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Code of the Dragons. ...

During the times ancient, there were many problems and many things that were done that were harmful to others. Some actions were done without thought and without regard to the health and safety of others. Not many thought about the consequences or the Karmic responses to some of those actions. There was much needless destruction that could have been avoided. There was much suffering and loss created in the aftermath.

The return to the primal laws of Nature and the laws of Karma was what was needed to restore balance and peace to the world. There would have to be changes in line with the supernatural laws in order for all to coexist peaceably. It is through careful observance of the Supernatural Laws that all can coexist today. The basis of these laws, which existed before time itself, was based on mutual respect for one another, and the desire to live in a fashion conducive to peaceful coexistance.

It is the responsibility for all ( especially those who practice arts like magic, divination, etc., as well as ALL mages, clerics, etc. ) to carefully observe and follow these laws to the spirit of keeping them. As a Dragon, upon accepting the responsibility of being such, I myself have sworn an oath to uphold and honor the Supernatural Laws to the best of my ability. What I present here, is an effort of my study, review, and meditations of the various forms and iterations of "Honor Codes" that their adherents honor as the basis of their practices. I present what I have found to be most accurate in reflecting my beliefs in honoring the responsibility of being a Dragon - The Dragons' Code of Honor - or - "The Code of the Dragons":

  1. With the responsibility of being a Dragon, comes the responsibility of knowing yourself and knowing your limitations. Fail not, to acknowledge that there is always a force greater than yourself.

  2. Be proud of your pathway, but, without vanity. Know that your way is right for you, but may not be for others.

  3. A Dragon always takes care of his/her responsibilities first, before undertaking any other ventures, especially those involving significant risk to himself/herself or others.

  4. Love and faith in one's self, is revealed to all. Without it can ye nae love and have faith in others.

  5. Your duty is always to yourself, your family, and your Clan. A Dragon always carefully considers his/her actions on the basis of benefit or harm to himself/herself, his/her family, and his/her Clan before undertaking them.

  6. A Dragon always cares for those under his/her guardianship and protection, without fail. He/she always looks after the necessities for his/her family and his/her Clan, and defends and protects them with the fierceness and might of a Dragon.

  7. A Dragon respects all life in the virtue of its right to peaceful coexistence. Any kills that are for food and sustainance shall he/she waste not, but charitably give to those in need what shall not be needed or used up.

  8. A Dragon does all things in honor to himself/herself, his/her family, and his/her Clan. He/she will never do anything out of spite or hatred or anything that may bring dishonor to himself/herself, his/her family, or his/her Clan. This honor is sacred above all else!

  9. Be honest with yourself and others and let them know you will not accept anything but honesty in return. You should always be above reproach or criticism in the eyes of the world.

  10. A Dragon should keep his/her vows and be mindful when making such vows to another. A Dragon shall never honor those who are without honor. A Dragon shall never make vows with any reservations, nor without careful consideration as to how it may affect his/her duties to himself/herself, his/her family, and his/her Clan. A Dragon's word is the same as a signed in blood oath, always!

  11. A Dragon should never give lies or falsehoods any power, nor ever bear false witness to any controversy, nor lend any credibility to heresay. A Dragon should never assertain as truth what he/she has not witnessed.

  12. A Dragon always follows the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Karma, for they are supreme. Any law to the contrary not withstanding. He/she should uphold these Supreme Laws as a personal code of honor to the best of his/her ability.

  13. A Dragon should always try to uplift others as if a guide and a wise one. His/her wisdom has the power to heal all wounds and peacefully settle all controversies. Let the Dragon be the symbol and worker of joy and peace to those in his/her surroundings!

  14. Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humor are to be admired and cultivated. They will aid you to bringing honor to your family, and your Clan.

  15. A Dragon should always strive to be kind to others, or, should kindness prove impossible, strive always to be just.

  16. A Dragon pledges friendship and assistance only to those who are worthy and honorable. A Dragon works to strengthen those of family, friends, and Clan, as they will strengthen him/her.

  17. A Dragon jealously guards his/her rightfully-owned treasures and home as well as those of his/her family and his/her Clan. Let no one ever take what is not rightfully his/hers!

  18. A Dragon never reveals secrets entrusted to him/her without geniune consent, unless there is urgent need for doing so, such as, the honor, safety, health, and/or life of an innocent being, danger of dishonor to himself/herself, his/her family, and his/her Clan, or allow the criminally-guilty to escape just punishment. Gossip is an evil that wounds more than the sharpest sword!

  19. A Dragon only offers forgiveness to those who are truly contrite and sincere in their repentance of wrongs committed to himself/herself, his/her family, and his/her Clan. A Dragon should never offer forgiveness with an unforgiving heart, else he/she is only acting in deceit!

  20. Always remember that the fury and excitement of the moment can play havoc with the truth and cloud one's judgment. To keep one's head in any situation is a virtue.

  21. Have respect and honor for all Dragons and the Dragons of the Land. For they will assist you in your endeavors if you do.

  22. A Dragon always tries to be prepared for whatever the future may bring. Life with all of its joys, sorrows, and secrets is to be embraced and experienced to the fullest, for this is how one gains wisdom.

  23. Respect yourself as a child of the Dragons. Have pride, but not arrogance, in yourself, your appearance, and your position in the Clan. Do your best in all things. Be gracious with self-praise, without bragging, and self-forgiveness when warranted.

  24. When you gain authority, use it carefully and with wisdom. Remember that authority will grow with experience, and as a Priest/Priestess of a Clan you should exercise it with care and dignity.

  25. Power does not come with authority, but can be given. Be wary of how you use any power given to you, for power over something does not always give you the authority to control it. Do not allow yourself to be obsessed with power, lest it be the cause of your own ruin!

  26. When your time in this life is done, return to the Dragons, and stand before them with pride, not arrogance. For a life lived with dignity, respect, and honor is one to be prideful of.

  27. Force no one to do your bidding, or believe in your faith, against his/her will. All things should be willingly and freely done in cooperation, not in slavery!

  28. A Dragon always honors the dead who faught for and/or with him/her bravely and honorably in battle, and also those who live honorably.

  29. A Dragon always takes trust, placed in him/her, with great care and responsibility. To violate that trust needlessly, is as breaking one's blood oath the same.

  30. As in the Laws of Karma, as you do unto others, for good or for evil, the same shall befall you manifold.

  31. If an elder instructs you to do something dishonorable, it carries no weight of authority, lest ye be guilty of one and the same crime!

  32. Adversity should not be viewed with disfavor, as adversity is often a great teacher with golden opportunities.

  33. Yesterday's mistakes become today's lessons for tomorrow's triumphs. Learning is a life-long struggle, even for the strong at heart. This is where experience is learned and wisdom greatened.

  34. Honor your creator as he/she shall honor you in the afterlife.

  35. Let none rule over you who is unfit to rule.

  36. In Nature and the Divine Creation, all things seek a purpose. It is the wise one who seeketh, to whom that purpose is revealed.

  37. Your Temple Or Another Sacred Place Shall Be Your Sanctuary. Learn To Build Your Temple, And Craft Your Sacred Circle & Tools, for they are your aid to greater powers and strength.

  38. Do not seek revenge for vengeance's sake, it leads to rot and decay of your abilities, and clouds your judgment. For vengeance is poison to the soul and brings self-destruction!

  39. Turn away no seeker, if their heart be true and their desire honest, you were once one yourself. Never turn away seekers of light, aid them to the best of your ability. If you are truly unable, turn them toward someone you know and trust who can.

  40. If you are a disciple of the Dragons, listen well, and the Dragons shall teach you well.

  41. Let not your past sorrows be an undue burden to you, for they will weight you down, and keep you from growing.

  42. Your magic and abilities are to be treasured as sacred gifts, never to be used in anger or in vain! One who misuses these sacred gifts shall soon have none!

  43. Never share or devulge your powers and abilities to the uninitiated, for ye shall soon be led to ruin! Always keep your sacred book safe from prying eyes and burning ears!

  44. Let none other ever touch your sacred tools or defile your sanctuary, lest ye be led to ruin by their own hand!

  45. Care for the land under your possession and protection, it is your home and your sanctuary, even a bird never defiles its own nest!

  46. Never be afraid to ask a Dragon or your God or Goddess for help where it is genuinely needed, just be sure you are exact in what you ask for. Dragons help others and help each other where there is need, but always thank them when they do.

  47. A Dragon should never trust a foolish one, nor by the same hand begile one such. Ignorance is not the crime and should be treated innocently, whereas foolishness leads itself to ruin!

  48. Respect all honest beliefs as you would have them respect your own. The right of conscience is sacred to all!

  49. Possessions, gifts, and favors obtained or procured through acts of dishonor, carry the poison of taint upon them and upon those knowing of this, but ignoring the nature of the taint is ruinous to one's soul. Such things received in this way are defiled with poison until returned to their rightful holder!

  50. A Dragon never lends his/her power or "special" abilities for hire, for this makes the Dragon subservient to the task master and money his/her idol!

This code is not necessarily complete as there are more things that can be covered when later revealed. As I try to find all that I can, that makes perfect sense, I will add to this list. Again, the basic tenet is respect for all who genuinely deserve it, to include yourself as a creature of your creator. There are other versions and quotes that exist aplenty. This is what I have put together, from various sources, that makes genuine sense and communicates to that effect. An honor code is very important to uphold as it is the way to identify you as a creature fully respectful of the Natural Laws.

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