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Echoes of the Past...

I would humbly like to thank my dragoness-lifemate, Kae'Rho, for helping me finally release the hidden pain and anguish that I harbored for Sooo long! She was always a blessing then, and STILL is a blessing to me this day. I so miss "Ni-na"! I want to see her again someday! She was my life, and my sole reason for wanting to continue to live.

Daasha, Kae'rho, "Ni-na"!


This recollection is rather brief as the details are still "sketchy", at best. I am sure there is more to be revealed to me as time passes.

I was once known as Athauliz, the "Great Fire Storm", or just simply "Fire Storm", a very long time ago. This was from the faded memories that once in a while reveal bits and pieces to me in dreams and images so vivid that I almost feel I am reliving a life, long forgotten. I received the "nickname" from the chief-elder of the Clan, because I had developed a very NASTY temper and was one of the more troublesome of the Red Chasm Dragons because of it. There were many who feared me, and some respected me because of my temper and the intense disdain I had for certain things I felt encroached upon our way of life. The Red Chasm Dragons were notorious for their tempers and sometimes long-simmering resentments and grudges. Sometimes this seemed like a hating of virtually everyone, to include some of our own! I didn't necessarily "hate" everything, just a certain amount of disrespect and disdain for specific races and species that I thought were invasive and demeaning towards us. We were bitter enemies with most of the other clans. Usually, the only species we would or could associate with were Fire Salamanders. I personally detested these Salamanders because I thought they were inferior and too pathetic to be deserving to stay around. I thought that the Salamanders were too dull and stupid, and should have become extinct a long time ago. I really resented even being associated with such creatures as I longed to see more of the "world", and see how many other Dragons were in it!

One day, a rather interesting and life-changing event had happened to me. It became clear that I was interested in a companion, or a "mate", if you will. I was starting down the path towards maturity as I was no longer considered an adolescent Dragon. Anyway, it was Rangyjar ( the Clan's Chief Elder and guide ) who surprised me when he introduced me to Kae'rho. In thinking of me and desiring happiness for me, he thought she would be the one for me, even though she wasn't from our Clan. She was the most beautiful lady Dragon I had ever laid eyes upon! She seemed to radiate calm and peace by just her presence. She was something that I could have only dreampt about in my wildest fantasies. Rangyjar ( some may think of his name as similar to "Fafnir", although, I wasn't sure ) had a fancy about her, but his lifemate, Mayana, would have objected fiercely! Dragons, by my memory, typically were monogamous for life. It was almost unheard of for a dragon to ever have more than one lifemate. It was Kae'rho who had my full attention and was virtually the only other dragon that I would have such feelings for. I got along with Rangyjar, but contingent mainly on the basis that we knew each other's limits and our differences, and that he was THE Clan's chief elder ( a role that often had more headaches than joy ).

Kae'rho was such a beautiful pure white dragoness with a silvery-glow about her. She shimmered a radiance that seemed to make her appear to glow like moonlight. Very few dragons even knew she existed beforehand because she must have come from a very small clan. No one ( obviously except for her immediate family ) was quite sure what clan or what ancestry she came from. The clan she came from apparently didn't socialize with very many "outsiders" as they called others. When She and I were introduced, we "paired" almost instantly and were already thinking about raising our own family. I must have flipped head over heels for her, as the few who were there would say. I thought this must have been a match divine and hoped it would last forever. Because of that moment, Rangyjar and I became friendlier toward each other again. I don't think I lost my temper as much or as frequently since Kae'rho became "Ni-na" ( "my heart" ). I still had a bit of a short temper, just not as quick nor as harsh as before we met. She usually had no trouble interceding when things even looked like they were going to get ugly. She was such a peaceful one, where and when "cooler heads" were needed!

The both of us enjoyed life as dragons, and as partners for life. I already had my own "home", deep in the heavily-forested mountains to the West. It came as good advice that Kae'rho and I were not seen together too close to where most of the other Dragons were frequently-gathered. We really anticipated raising beautiful children together. She had quite an interest in me. I wanted to be able to teach my children to be as strong and powerful just like I was. I was very proud of my Clan and felt that we had a good life. Rangyjar was very much like a father to me. I wasn't absolutely sure if he was my real father, or someone who took me "under his wing". His lifemate, at that time, again, was called Mayana ( "Storm-Lady" ). She was very much a Red Chasm Dragon to a "t", except that she had some compassion ( not something typical of Red Chasm Dragons ) and she was more patient than most of us. She was of strong character, and not afraid of too many things, let alone some of the bullies in our clan. Even Rangyjar didn't dare to cross her! I learned very early, not to even think of crossing her myself, lest I would have to worry about her wrath AND Rangyjar's also! It was Rangyjar's genuine concern for me that, when he met Kae'rho by chance, he saw she had qualities that could be a perfect match for me. That is when he had the idea of introducing us to each other. I thought Rangyjar was kidding at first! Nope! He wasn't! He worried about what it would take to get me to calm down and be more reasonable. There must have been some wisdom expressed, coming from Rangyjar's mind! He was very surprising sometimes at some of the answers he had to some of our most difficult problems. ( I guess that is where becoming a seasoned "elder" had its place. )

Kae'rho would sometimes just want to be with me for my company. Sometimes, she wanted to find out more about me and why I had such trouble losing my temper all the time. I told her about the time I got lectured by two of the Clan's elders for "tail-swatting" one of the Salamanders from a bitter discussion and disagreement with him. They told me that the Fire Salamanders were virtually our ONLY allies as we were "blood-enemies" with most of the other clans. It was important not to break their trust and alliance. I disagreed with this on the basis that I didn't like the Salamanders and told the elders that they could befriend the salamanders all they want, I didn't particularly care for them. I thought salamanders were weak, pathetic, had weak magic, and couldn't fly. I called them "skaethn're" ( a very common derogatory term used by members of our clan ). This angered the elders enough to realize they weren't going to easily change my opinions, and to give up trying to convince me otherwise. She was a little amused, but firm in her conviction that I probably should have listened to the sage advice of the elders. I always wondered if she had been around her clan's elders very much. She seemed to take on elder-like attributes when she spoke.

I had also told her about the time I got into a serious fight with on of our other "bullies", Keparah. It was one of those Clan get togethers that we had fairly early during the darkness. We were beginning to see some unusual changes happening in our world. The elders wanted to tell us that these changes were a sign of things to come. They were probably going to happen and we were probably going to be seeing the end of our existance in this world soon. The most vocal disagreement was from "Keparah". He was definitely a "firebrand" as they call them nowadays! I didn't get along with Keparah very well at all, and always got into fights with him. We used to have some brawls because of our heated disagreements. I thought of him as just a loud mouth with a rotten attitude. Keparah was a quite a fighter, too! This was when Rangyjar and the other elders decided to do better than to have the two of us near each other at ANY time. Luckily, he wasn't blinded, but he could have easily been so. It was here that I just got into the practice of ignoring him, due to getting tired of every argument devolving into a big dragon-brawl. I had injured one of his eyes and he never let it go.

When Kae'rho and I were awake, we hunted together, we played together, we flew the skies together, we very rarely ever left each other's side. I didn't have much need to get angry at anyone anymore, because we were together and in love! She kept me interested in life and in her. I don't ever recall Kae'rho ever getting very mad at anything, even though I did some silly things that most wouldn't approve of. I was still a bit of a show off, and sometimes did some things to get her attention. I guess I was still a bit of an adolescent, even though I was in adulthood, for a dragon. She was my very life! I think some of the others noticed some of the gradual changes in my attitude ( because of my time with Kae'rho ). I guess this pairing was what I needed to become a more respectable and decent dragon. I had reason to be joyous and grateful. My beautiful dragoness was the reason I learned to live life to the fullest. This was a grand time to be a very happy dragon.

My dread came the Clan's elders, one time, had told us that our world and our way of life was finally beginning to "give way" as it was deemed the time for the end of us. New forms of life were on the horizon, and the golden age of magic and of dragons was coming to an end! I was shocked and outraged at how anything could be. We were dragons! This was OUR world! We lived in it, cultured it, faught for it, treasured it, and kept it livable and safe for our young. How preposterous the irony this news was. It seemed that we were being "pushed" out of this world and no "rational" explanation as to why we could not do something to prevent it. Basically, it was "die, be forgotten, and leave NO trace". I thought how dare anyone expect dragons to accept this fate and just step aside the world they created and called home! Who were these new interlopers that threatened our way of life? Little did I know, there was soon to be a great war of ideals that would involve dragons from the different clans FIGHTING TOGETHER! Soon the world of dragons was to become a world without dragons! I noticed there were fewer dragons visible and around as each moment dragged on.

What was happening was that our powers and strength were beginning to wane, and we were less able to fend off attacks from the REAL enemies of dragondom. We were told the only way to escape this crisis was to "move to the higher planes" out of this realm, otherwise we would eventually become powerless against the sea of change. Dragons, powerless? How absurd!!! You might say that this was the day that the battle lines and the alliances were drawn. Some of us were not going to just "go away" without a fight and let someone else take away our world for their own! Then I started hearing how some of the hold outs were being hunted down by, of all species, ape-alikes ( some of which took on more of the "human" attributes )! I had always thought that at least some "humanoid" creatures had a respect, a reverence, towards dragons and their kin. Then I felt the most dreadful thing that a dragon could ever feel in his life: the life of one's loved one slipping away by someone's sword! I blased a trail in the sky to my cave, only to find my lifemate, Kae'rho, lying on the cave floor, dying in a pool of her own blood. She was killed while sleeping with our newly-hatched "pups". Our children weren't even spared the fate of death! Someone had been here and literally killed my entire family! I could smell the stench of something or someone, who wasn't even dragon! If They wanted a war, now they had one and it was to be personal!!! After I had cried the very last tears that I had, or would ever have, I vowed death to all responsible! I only thing I saw was death upon anything not dragon! The alliances that the few of us had, several from each of the known clans, had decided that we were not leaving this world without dragons, and definitely not in the hands of cold-blooded murderers!!! I now had the life of my lifemate and my young to seek payment for! Several of the others who joined us had the similar experiences, and therefore had an unquenchable thirst for drawing blood! We faught and faught until the last of us, numbering about two or three, had nowhere to go and nothing left to fight for! We lost our families and clans. The world around us was not the same. The "old ways" were gone for good. We were out of place here and now, and there was nothing left for a dragon to live for. All of our allies were gone, some were picked off by these primitive ape-alikes. We were almost completely powerless to stop the tide of changes! We were exhausted and hungry. We had nowhere peaceful to go nor to hide. We started dropping to the ground, one at a time, from sheer exhaustion. A dragon could only stay in the air for so long before he had to land. When one gets so tired, he makes critical mistakes that can cost him his life. Our rage caused us to push ourselves so hard that we were literally killing ourselves with the constant, non-stop fighting of everything! Our battles were finally about over as we were losing our numbers and our hearts! We were near death and had suffered unbelievable losses of our families, our clans, and any allies we once had. We were basically without homes or refuge. The questions that came to mind, like,
"Were WE truly responsible for all of this mess?"
"Where did WE go wrong?"
"What did WE do to deserve the wrath of a changing world put upon us?"

The last thing I thought about was my dear Kae'rho. I cried the last of my held-back tears at the memories we had together. The memories of my darling and my children were all I had left. When I couldn't walk anymore, let alone fight or fly, I was at death's doorstep. When I finally collapsed to the ground in exhaustion and pure pain, I had finally went into a "deep" sleep for the very last time. I couldn't rid myself of the shame, pain, anguish, and sheer rage that kept me wanting to fight until I would drop dead on the spot! I took all of this hatred with me, in my heart, upon my soul, all because I missed the love of my dearest sweetheart and my hatchlings! It is never good to die with such emotional rage still clinging to you, even from such a dear loss like I had suffered. I really missed my dearest Kae'rho! Some of us faught side-by-side for ideals like preserving the "old ways". I was with this group that didn't want to just "up and leave" this world. When I lost Kae'rho, none of it mattered anymore! I just wanted to destroy everthing in my path, until death finally claimed me.


I feel I know the Clan-wars are a thing of the past as there is no room for such trifles and squabbles on the higher planes. I so remember the kinds of things that were said during several of our Clan get-togethers. We really didn't know of very may friends in the world, and we had a lot of disagreements on how to handle the events that were coming. Some of these "foggy" memories come and go. I still sometimes cry when I think I see and feel Kae'rho's presence. I miss her so very much! Someday, I WILL go back to my family and my clan. I will see "Ni-na" again! There is a love that transcends time and space, regardless of the distance! This is my story, my memories, and my Path. Of all the things I do, I do in Love, and in Honor, for my supportive family - the Dragons of old! I wish this story to be told and the lessons it may bring. The world of Dragons has been long-forgotten, but lost to the cosmic abyss. There are some of us still with those memories. Whether we acknowledge them or not, is another answer!

- Dragon's Eye
( Athauliz "FireStorm" )

" Ni sa Drooge, ta'kayel! "

( I am Dragon, for moons unending! )

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