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Tao of the Dragon ...

My Rune Meditation Notes and words of Wisdom.

These are just my own readings of myself. Not to be confused with what the runes would actually stand for.
That is for you to discover in your own travels as you find.

RUNE Name:
As it was drawn.

My Mental Reading as it was given me:
( This is what I saw when I meditated on this rune. )


" As one is to take possession or take "charge" of his own life, he takes charge of his own destiny. Let NO other gain control of you, for you are the one in control, as it should be! Your life and your destiny is in your hands and the hands of the Great and Divine Consciousness! This is the way of the Warrior. "

( Reversed ) - " To feel dispossessed of oneself, in times of stress and adversity, can be expected by those not in tune within their own sphere of influence. Now is the time to assess meaning to those things, goals that mean to you the most! "


" May your new voyage be fruitful and fertile in the land and in the Heavens. As your spirit goes forth, into a journey, the Path shall bare all of its fruits. Here is where one embarks on a quest to gain new insights and knowledge in anticipation of the Path being slowly revealed before him! It is in these times that the wise take heed in times aplenty, to prepare for the possible dearth in its harvests! "


" One should enjoy the bountiful harvest of a fruitful adventure: of wisdom, of patience, of compassion, of strength, of enduring, of friendship, of devotion, of Will, and the fruits of insight. What one reaps is the reward of hard work well done! "


" The opening, or beginning of one's spiritual journey, begins with one's spiritual growth. Therefore, spiritual growth is the gateway, of a warrior, beginning his journey. "

( Reversed ) - " The seeming lack of progress or growth reveals that there are one or more obstacles which must first be considered. While such travails may seem to, in essence, make one feel disconnected from one's path, fear not, for the way shall still reveal itself, in due time and circumstances. The solution is to find the ' key ' to reopen those barriers that we place within our minds. "


" Insights are fed by your intuition, of communication, of signs, of images, of dreams; that which leads to clearer images, and ultimately, an enhanced understanding of these signals, to a path well-defined: This points the way towards one's destination. "

( Reversed ) - " The path to enlightenment may be obscured, for a time, by the fog and cloudiness, often inherent in one's own mind. This shows a need to concentrate the focus and remove the mental distractions, in order to sharpen one's view and see clearly what is expected of him as he perceives his next move. "


" Joy be to the discoveries and fresh, new outlook on life as one discovers or rediscovers himself while on a spiritual journey. The birth of new beginnings and the celebration of new life as one makes a renewed effort to rediscover his true connections. "

( Reversed ) - " As there are times when things may be slow, and sadness and pain are all that one thinks is most abundant. One must have heart and courage to face his fears and dispel his negativisms in life; as wisdom is learned and the Will is strengthened, there shall appear a light at the end of the tunnel of dispair! "


" Life teaches us that there are many lessons to be learned, some that may seem harsh, and unsurmountable. It can be said that makes a wise man, is how he deals with his tribulations and trials, and the lessons he learns from them. Adversity should not be thought of as an enemy to be loathed, but as a great teacher with a golden opportunity! "

( Reversed ) - " Through a time of pain and languishment, these are the 'birth-pains' that bring about wisdom and renewed strength. "


" As the 'Seasons' shift, changing face and character, so does the outlook and perceptions one may have as he goes about his daily life. There are many times a Warrior may see new meaning among the changes taking form. This is the time to embrace those changes with a revitalized mind, and a fresh resolve to do that which remains unresolved. These are the things that bring out variety and encourge further growth of character and spirit! "

( Reversed ) - " Things impeded may mean things not yet attainable until the time is right. Patience in these times is often the best friend to those willing to exercise diligence. Good things come to those who wait for the proper time, patiently! "


" Oft times aplenty, one may feel a surge of energy, enthusiasm, and see an open field of opportunity for further growth and realization of things yet to come. It is at the height of the season, that many fruits come to maturity and ripen. Personal growth in the spirit and in wisdom should always be embraced as a welcome friend, and nurtured for the whole and for the part! All things must grow or they stagnate. "

( Reversed ) - " Obstacles to growth, when not dealt with, can lead to stagnation. A closer look within is needed to find the cause, and then restore the progress of growth towards maturity. Only then, can one regain the tempo of aspiring, fertile growth from the seeds of experience. "


" In opening up one's Soul to the natural healing of Nature's energies, a reinvigorating experience, one can feel the sense of wholeness that abounds. It is with caution, that one undertakes such a journey in full light of his experiences past, that he bears the truth within him, he soon comes to know himself better. Just as the sun can illuminate and provide comfort, Nature's healing power can nourish and comfort the hurting Soul. "


" The for a pause is at hand. Time to pause and reflect on one's progress, and of growth. Even a wise farmer leaves part of his land to fallow, in preparation for its next planting season. The time to rest and realize, and reassess one's true intents and the direction of his path. Things may seem to slow down at this time, but fear ye not! Use this time to ponder and reflect, to become more focused when this 'spiritual winter' is at an end! "


" The gift of partnership, the joining of two efforts, is always a blessing. One must not forget that in partnering with another, in any venture, still relies on his individuality as well as that of the other. The two should still preserve that of themselves and not allow each other to be absorbed totally in the union while sacrificing each's own individuality. "

( The Deity )

Upon drawing this rune, let all things be revealed in their appointed time. Some life-changes are at hand! It is time to embrace these changes as they are only but a 'fait accompli'; unavoidable and a certainty. It is through profound change and its unexpected timing that shape and form our direction, and thus lead us to spiritual growth. The only constant in the Divine and in its Creation is that there will always be change! Be prepared for serious life-changing events, good or bad! "


" A time for contemplation is at hand. A gateway to new changes and to new life stands before you, but you may not yet enter. This represents the portal that only the committed may step through. It is time to take stock of your past, up to this point, and release all that holds you back. Once freed from the 'baggage' of your past, is when you enter this portal to new, profound changes! "

( Reversed ) - " One must not make hasty, half-thought out decisions. Consider carefully your choices here! "


" Disruption through unforeseen changes and self-evolution, a must, bring about further awakening of the Mind and the Soul. One should embrace these changes that can only help him to evolve. "

I will try to be timely in my rune readings and posting them here as I am of limited means right now!
It is the interest of providing some fresh answers to some of today's problems that I be another source of inspiration that some may find beneficial to their own causes. Being mindful, that not every time a particular rune is drawn and meditated on, will the answers found be the same. Different situations and times often have a different focus and need from the previous reading. I hope there are positive experiences to be found by all who triumph through effort on their part. You put into it what you wish from it!

- Dragon's Eye

( Athauliz "FireStorm" )

" Ni sa Drooge, ta'kayel! "

( I am Dragon, for moons unending! )

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I worked very hard on collecting and composing the contents of these pages, for free! I ask for NO money for their PERSONAL use.