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About this website and why is it here ...

Welcome to my special place on the world wide web! This my new website where I share some of my experiences with those who are interested in the fascinating world of Dragons and their kin. There are many things about Dragons that many have totally dismissed as pure fantasy. It is a shame that how society is taught, or more like programmed, to believe that what can not be seen is proven NOT to exist. This is not always the case. You can not see air, but it exists. Just like the Earth was thought to be flat for hundreds of years until brave souls like Mercator, Copernicus, and Galileo provided the proof, many years later accepted, that the Earth was round and NOT the center of the universe. There is even the concept that there are more than one 'universes' or a “multiverse” in existence at the same time. Even now, the concept of multiple dimensions existing at the same moment in the same given place is also possible ( especially indicated in the newer theories and mathematics involved ).

It is not too far fetched to think if the creatures that we are told are “fantasy” or “legend” could possibly have existed or currently exist on other planes or parts of the multiverse. Then there are cases where some have recalled distant memories of “past lives” from long ago. Some feel that they were once something other than human, like their current physical form. Those are referred to as “otherkin”, meaning the spirit of another kind incarnated into human form. This was thought to be the case with many of the ancient beliefs like Hinduism, Buddhism, and many in Wica ( or Wicca ). These “out of place spirits or souls” may be considered as distinct possibilities and distinct personalities that still have some of the memories of those past existences.

I am one such being. I truly believe that one time I lived as a Dragon. I am what would be called a “Dragonkin”. Any who would laugh at such claims, without getting to know my story or anything about my experiences would be wise to find somewhere else to visit! I am very serious about the experiences I've had. I have had some very detailed accounts, which I shared with only a few people in confidence. These are the kinds of experiences that only others who have had them would be able to understand fully. My story begins on its own page, and its a long one! I have had many sleepless nights thinking about what has been revealed to me through these images. I am not so quick to dismiss them as pure fantasy from some raving lunatic as the establishmentarian-types would have it.

If you are curious about Dragons and why I have a website devoted to them, then please enter on through and learn what I have found. There are disagreements about what particulars there are to Dragons, and working with them in the use of magic. I am NO expert by any means, but I have some memories returning slowly to detail what kind of life I had and what kinds of magic I knew and used. So if someone else wants to say negative things about this site and try to trash my reputation just on the differences of opinion and experience, they have theirs and I have mine! There is NO doctrine nor standard when using magic and the dragons that may come to your aid for such. All I relate here is from my own experiences as a living Dragon.

Just click on the link below to return to the main menu and see what I present to you. Thank you and “Dragon Speed”!

Copyright © 2009 – Dragon's Eye, all rights reserved.

This page and all contents are for personal use under the “fair use” policy. Please don't just take without asking!

I worked very hard on collecting and composing the contents of these pages, for free! I ask for NO money for their PERSONAL use.